
La fonction Expédition peut être utilisée pour livrer du stock à un client.

Si vous utilisiez mSupply par le passé, vous devriez être familier au terme Facture Client au lieu de Expédition. La fonction Expédition est utilisée pour:

  • Un envoi de stock vers un autre dĂ©pĂ´t qui utilise mSupply
  • Une sortie de stock au bĂ©nĂ©fice d'un client
  • Le traitement d'une rĂ©quisition (commande client)

Voir les Expéditionns🔗

Ouvrir le Menu Expéditions🔗

Choisir Distribution > Expédition dans le panneau de navigation.


La liste des Expéditions s'affichera (Si vous ne voyez aucune ligne, rassurez-vous. Vous venez probablement de commencer!).

De cet Ă©cran, vous pouvez:

  • Voir la liste des ExpĂ©ditions
  • CrĂ©er une nouvelle ExpĂ©dition
  • Exporter les ExpĂ©ditions dans un fichier .csv
  • Imprimer une ou plusieurs ExpĂ©ditions

Liste des expéditions🔗

  1. La liste des expéditions comprend 7 colonnes:
NomNom du Client
StatutLe statut actuel de l'expédition
NuméroLe numéro de référence de l'expédition
Créée leLa date de création
ReferenceLa référence du Client
CommentaireCommentaire sur l'expédition
TotalValeur totale
  1. La liste peut afficher un nombre fixe d'expéditions par page. Au bas de liste, à gauche, on peut voir le nombre d'expéditons actuellement affiché à l'écran.


  1. S'il y a plus de 20 expéditions, vous pouvez vous déplacer vers une autre page en cliquant sur le numéro de la page ou en utilisant les flèches droite ou gauche (coin inférieur droit).


Recherche par nom de clientđź”—

Vous pouvez filter la liste des expéditions par nom de client. Cela peut être utile si vous êtes à la recherche d'une expédition en particulier!

Entrez le nom du client dans le champs Search by name (à gauche, juste au-dessus des en-têtes de liste). Toutes les expéditions pour ce client apparaissent dans la liste.

Exporter des expéditions🔗

La liste des expéditions peut être exportée dans un fichier (csv). Cliquez simplement sur le bouton Exporter (à droite, en haut de la page)

Export button

et le fichier sera téléchargé. La fonction d'exportation téléchargera toutes les expéditions, pas seulement la page actuelle, si vous en avez plus de 20. Les expéditions sont exportées en utilisant l'ordre de tri sélectionné dans la liste, bien que vous puissiez facilement trier la liste dans Excel ou tout autre outil avec lequel vous ouvrez le fichier .csv !

Supprimer une expédition🔗

Vous pouvez, à partir de la liste, supprimer une expédition.

  1. Sélectionnez l'expédition que vous souhaitez supprimer en cochant la case à l'extrémité gauche de la liste. Vous pouvez sélectionner plus d'une expédition à supprimer. Vous pouvez même tous les sélectionner à l'aide de la case à cocher principale dans les en-têtes de liste.

  2. Ouvrez la liste déroulante Sélectionner (coin supérieur droit, au-dessus de la liste) et sélectionnez Supprimer lignes sélectionnées.

  3. Une notification confirme le nombre d'expéditions supprimées (coin inférieur gauche).

Vous ne pouvez supprimer que les expéditions avec un statut NOUVEAU.

Outbound list: delete

Créer une expédition🔗

  1. Allez à Distribution > Expédition.

  2. Cliquez sur le bouton Nouveau en haut Ă  dorite de l'Ă©cran

New Shipment

  1. Une nouvelle fenêtre Clients s'affiche pour vous inviter à sélctionner un client.

SĂ©lectionner un clientđź”—

  1. Dans la fenêtre Clients, une liste de Clients disponibles vous sera présentée. Vous pouvez sélectionner votre client dans la liste ou vous pouvez entrer manuellement le nom d'un Client. La liste sera filtrée au fil des caractères saisis.
Dans l'exemple ci-dessous, du stock sera livré au client Kamo Regional Warehouse.


Vous pouvez savoir si un client utilise également mSupply dans son dépôt. Si c'est le cas, vous verrez cette icône (Store) près du code du fournisseur.
  1. Une fois que vous pressez la touche Entrer, votre Expédition est automatiquement créée.
Si tout s'est bien passé, vous devriez voir le nom de votre client dans le coin supérieur gauche et le statut devrait être NOUVEAU

Outbound shipment: created

Edit the Customer Nameđź”—

If you have selected the wrong customer, you can change the customer name in the Customer Name field or select one the dropdown list:


Enter a Customer Referenceđź”—

Once your Outbound Shipment has been created, you can enter a customer reference in the Customer Ref field, if they have one (eg. PO#1234567)

View or edit the Outbound Shipment Information Panelđź”—

The Information Panel allows you see or to edit information about the Outbound Shipment. It is divided in multiple sections:

  • Additional Info
  • Related Documents
  • Invoice Details
  • Transport Details

We are planning to add more sections in the future as Open mSupply grows.

How to open and close the Information Panel ?đź”—

If you are using a large screen, the information panel will be automatically opened for you. However, on an average sized screen, the information panel will be closed by default.

To open the Information Panel, you can tap on the More button, located in the top right corner of the Outbound Shipment view.

You can close by tapping on the X Close button, on the top right corner of the information panel.

Open and close the Information Panel

Additional Infođź”—

In the Additional Info section, you can:

  • See who created the Outbound Shipment (name of the user)
  • View and edit the Outbound Shipment color. To edit the color, tap on the colored circle and select a color from the pop-up
  • Write or edit a comment

In the Related Documents section, you can see other related transaction document for the Outbound Shipment.

If your Outbound Shipment was created to fulfill a Requisition, the reference number of the requisition would appear in this section.

In the future, we would also include other documents such as temperature records, transportation documents or pickslips.

Invoice Detailsđź”—

In this section, you will see by default the total selling price of the items listed in the Outbound Shipment.

You can also add a Service charges if you wish to add other charges such as Freight Costs. To add a Service charges to the Invoice Details:

  1. Tap on the Edit Service Charges button. A new window opens.
  2. Tap on the Add charge button on the new window. A new line appears in the list of charges. You tap on Cancel if you do not wish to add anything.
  3. Name: Select a service charges in the dropdown list. You can customise the list of available charges. Contact your administrator
  4. Comment: yYou can add a comment to provide further details about the new charge
  5. Amount: Enter the amount of the charge
  6. Tax: Enter a % of tax for the charge
  7. Total: The total field is automatically calculated based on the Amount and the Tax percentage
  8. Delete: You can tap on the Delete icon to delete the charge

In this section, you can also edit the tax rate (%) for the items sell price. Tap on the pencil icon and enter a value.

Transport Detailsđź”—

In this section, you can see or edit a transport reference number (eg. a booking or a tracking reference number).

Outbound Shipment Status Sequenceđź”—

The status sequence is located at the bottom left corner of the Outbound Shipment screen.

Passed statuses are hightlighted in blue, next statuses appear in grey.

Status Sequence: current status is NEW.
Status Sequence: current status is PICKED.

There are 6 status for the Outbound Shipment:

NewThis is the first status when you create a shipment
AllocatedAllocation is confirmed. Goods are no longer available for other shipments but are still part of your inventory.
PickedShipment is picked and is now ready to ship. Goods are still part of your inventory.
ShippedShipment has been shipped and goods are no longer part of your inventory
DeliveredYour customer has received the shipment
VerifiedYour customer has verified the quantity of the shipment. Goods are now part of their inventory .

If you hover over the status sequence, a shipment history window appears. You can see the date when a shipment was updated from one status to another.

This shipment has been created, allocated and picked on 29/03/2022

Outbound status: hover

Hold checkboxđź”—

Located on the bottom left corner, on the left of the status sequence.

Check the Hold checkbox prevents the Outbound Shipment from being updated to the next status.

Outbound checkbox

Cancel and Confirm buttonđź”—

Cancel Buttonđź”—

Tap on the Cancel button to quit the Outbound Shipment view and return to the Outbound Shipments list.

Confirm Buttonđź”—

The Confirm button is the button to update the status of a shipment. The status which you can confirm depends on the current status of the shipment and follows the sequence shown below.

When managing an Outbound Shipment, you can only confirm the Allocation, the Picking and the Shipment.

Confirm...Current StatusNext Status
Confirm AllocatedNewAllocated
Confirm PickedAllocatedPicked
Confirm ShippedPickedShipped

You don't have to update a shipment to next status in the sequence. You can choose to skip some of them to go directly to Confirm Shipped for example.

As demonstrated below, tap on the down arrow of the Confirm button and select the status you want the shipment to be updated to.

Skip Status

Adding lines to an Outbound Shipmentđź”—

Tap on the Add Item button (top right corner).

A new Add Item window opens.

Add Item button

Select an Itemđź”—

In the Add Item window, you can look up an item by:

  • Reading through the list of available items
  • or by typing some or all of item name
  • or by typing some or all of an item code

Once your item is highligthed, tap on the name or press Enter.

Alt Text

Once the item is selected, you can see the following information:


  • Item code and name (eg. 030453 Amoxicillin 250 mg Tabs)
  • the available stock quantity for this item (eg. 3527 units)
  • the item's unit (eg. Tab)
Example: For the item *030453 - Amoxicillin 250mg tabs*, there are 3527 tabs available.

add item headers

Issue [Quantity] of units in packs of [Pack Size]đź”—

In the Issue Quantity field, you can enter the quantity that you want to issue to your customer.

By default, you are invited to issue a quantity of units. However, you have the possibility to issue a quantity of packs instead by changing the value in the second dropdown (Pack Size).

Default value is Any when you are issuing units.

Outbound Issue quantity

List of available batches:đź”—

This is a list of batch numbers that you have in store for this item:

  • # Packs: Number of packs to be issued
  • Pack Size: Quantity of units per pack
  • Unit Qty: Total quantity of units to be issued
  • Available: Number of packs available (not already allocated to other shipments)
  • In store: Total number of packs in your store
  • Batch: Batch number. It is a designation given to products made in the same manufacturing run.
  • Expiry: Expiry date of the batch (format: MM/YYYY)
  • Location: If you inventory is managed with storage locations, the name of the location where the item is stored
  • Sell: Selling unit price of the item
  • On Hold: Indicate whether a batch is on hold or not. You cannot issue a batch that is on hold.
  • Placeholder: The placeholder line is used when the quantity you are issuing is higher than your available stock

List of available batch numbers

Issue a quantity of unitsđź”—

By default, you are invited to issue a quantity of units, regardless of the pack size (number of units in a pack).

When entering a number in the Issue Quantity field, system automatically chooses the batch number(s) with the shortest expiry date (First to Expire, First Out or FEFO logic).

In below example, we are issuing 100 units of the item. All 100 units will be taken from the same batch (second row). First batch was not selected because it is expired.


In this other example, we are issuing 1200 units. System selects two batches with different pack sizes.


Note that in this list, the batches which are available for selection are shown first and batches which are not (on hold or no stock available) are shown below and in a grey font.

Issue a quantity of packsđź”—

You can decide to issue a quantity of packs. To do this, you can change the value in the Pack Size dropdown.

Let's imagine that your customer only wants pack size of 12 units. You can change the dropdown value from `Any` to `12`.

Alt Text

You are now offered to issue a number of packs of 12 units. Only batch number(s) with a pack size of 12 units can be automatically issued.

In below example, we are issuing 10 packs of 12 units:


if you had previously entered a quantity of units and you switch to a quantity a packs, the quantity of units will automatically be converted into the correct quantity of packs.

Alt Text

When a pack size is selected, and stock lines which have a different pack size are not available for selection. As such, those rows are listed lower down in the table and are shown in a grey font, in the same way as other unavailable rows.

Manual Allocationđź”—

Regardless if you chose to issue a quantity of units or packs, you can always manually change the quantity at the batch number level directly before pressing on OK.

You simply have to enter or edit the quantity in the # Packs column.

The main Issue Quantity field will be automatically updated with the new quantity.

when allocating quantities at the batch number level, the quantity you enter is always a quantity of packs.
Manual allocation at the batch number level.

Issuing when there is not enough stock (Placeholder Line)đź”—

If the amount to be issued is greater than the total stock available from all of the available lines, then the quantity to be issued will automatically be placed in the placeholder field, at the bottom of the list of available batch numbers.

Placeholder lines can be allocated later when new stock arrives. However, all shipment lines must be allocated before confirming the allocation.

Since there is no stock available for 042744-Diazepam Injection 5mg/ml Amp/2ml, system is issuing a 100 units in the placeholder field.

Alt Text

When you look at an Outbound Shipment, you can see if a shipment line has not been allocated or has been partially allocated when it is higlighted in blue.

Alt Text

Confirm Item and Quantityđź”—

When you are happy with the quantity, you can either press on:

  • the OK button. You are redirected to the Outbound Shipment view and your item has been added to the list.
  • the OK & Next button to add another item right away
  • the Cancel if you do not want to add the item to the Outbound Shipment anymore

Editing an Outbound Shipment Lineđź”—

To edit an shipment line, tap on it. You will be presented with the Edit Item window, which is identical to the Add Item window, except that the item is already chosen.

Edit a Shipment Lineđź”—

you can edit a shipment line if the shipment has a status lower than Shipped.
  1. Open the Outbound Shipment you want to edit.

  2. Tap on the line you want to edit. An identical window to Add Item appears. At this stage:

    • Edit the main Issue Quantity field
    • or change the number of packs value at the batch number level
When editing a shipment line, you cannot change the item. You would need to delete the shipment line and to create a new one.

Delete a Shipment lineđź”—

  1. Open the Outbound Shipment you want to edit.
  2. Select the line(s) you want to delete by checking the box(es) on the right of the list.
  3. Go to the Actions dropdown menu (top right corner, above the list)
  4. Select the action Delete selected lines

Alt Text

In below example, we are deleting item 030063 - Acetylsalicylic Acid 100mg tabs

Alt Text

You can delete multiple lines at once. Be sure to review what is selected before performing the Delete action.

Processing an Outbound Shipmentđź”—

Allocating an Outbound Shipmentđź”—

Allocation is the process of assigning one or multiple batch numbers from the inventory to a shipment line. In other words, you are assigning stock to your shipment. Once allocated, the stock is reserved for the shipment and thus for your customer.

There are 2 main ways to allocate a shipment line:

  1. When adding items, system is automatically assigning stock to the new shipment line when you enter a quantity. If you don't have enough stock, system will add placeholder lines (unallocated lines).

  2. Bulk action Allocate placeholder lines:

    • Select the lines that you want to allocate by checking boxes on the right on the list
    • In the Actions dropdown menu, select Allocate placeholder lines. System will check if there is available stock for each selected lines and allocate them using the First to Expire, First Out (FEFO) logic. A notification will let you know whether the operation is successful or not.
You won't be able to process your Outbound Shipment if you have unallocated lines (shipment lines without batch number(s) assigned to it). You can wait for more stock to arrive or you can delete the placeholder lines.

Confirming an Outbound Shipment's allocationđź”—

Once you all your shipments lines have been allocated, you can confirm the allocation:

  • Current status of the shipment has to be NEW
  • Lines must be assigned with one or several batch numbers. You won't be able to confirm the allocation if your shipment contains lines without batch numbers assigned to it (placeholder lines).

To confirm the allocation, press the Confirm Allocated button.

Alt Text

Once the allocation is confirmed:

  • Shipment status is ALLOCATED
  • You are now invited to confirm the picking via the Confirm Picked button
  • All the items and their quantities will be reserved, meaning that they are no longer available for allocation
  • You can print a pick slip to be sent to your warehouse so they can start preparing the shipment

Confirming Outbound Shipment pickingđź”—

Picking refers to the process where individual items are picked from a fulfillment facility (usually a warehouse or a pharmacy store).

Once a shipment has been allocated, next step is to go get the items to prepare the actual shipment. To help with that, you are able to generate a pick slip document. A pickslip indicates:

  • What are the items to be picked
  • The quantity and batch numbers for each item
  • If you manage your inventory with storage locations, where the items are located

Once all items are picked and packed. You can then confirm the picking of the shipment to indicate to indicate that it is ready to be dispatched.

To confirm that a shipment has been picked, tap on the Confirm Picked button.

Alt Text

Once picking is confirmed:

  • Shipment status is now PICKED
  • You are now invited to confirm the shipping via the Confirm Shipped button
  • An Inbound Shipment has been generated and is now visible to your customer

At this stage, you are still able to edit shipment lines, to add items or to delete existing lines. However, if picking has been confirmed, you need to make sure to inform your fulfillment facility of any change so they can make sure that the shipment is still correct.

Confirming the Outbound Shipment shippingđź”—

The last step to issue stock with an Outbound Shipment is to confirm that stock has been shipped. This a critical step cause when goods are confirmed as shipped, they are no longer part of your inventory records.

To confirm that an Outbound Shipment has been shipped, tap on the Confirm Shipped button.

Once shipping has been confirmed:

  • Shipment status is now SHIPPED
  • Goods are no longer part of your inventory
  • You can no longer edit shipment lines
  • You can no longer delete the shipment
  • You can print a delivery note or an invoice

Tracking Progress of Outbound Shipmentsđź”—

If your customer is also using mSupply, you wil be able to see when they'll receive your shipments:

  • status will become DELIVERED when goods are received: your customer confirmed that they received your goods
  • status will become VERIFIED when shipment has been verified by your customer. Goods are now part of their inventory

Viewing an Outbound Shipmentđź”—

When viewing a specific shipment, you can view the batches on that shipment grouped by item or with each batch listed separately. To change the view mode, click the Group by item switch.

When grouped by item, you can expand the item to see individual batches, or use the expand in the table header to expand all grouped rows. If you click on an item you will also see all selected batches, as shown in this example:

Group by Item