
The Monitoring section displays cold chain temperature monitoring data in three different views:

  1. A chart view which visually displays temperature data from all sensors
  2. A list view of all recorded breaches
  3. A list view of all temperature logs
Temperature data may be imported into Open mSupply via Bluetooth (e.g. mSupply Foundation temperature sensors) or via USB (e.g. Berlinger Fridge-tags / Q-tags - see below)

Viewing Monitoring data

Choose Cold chain > Monitoring in the navigation panel.

goto monitoring

This page contains three tabs, displaying different views of temperature monitoring data. The tab which will be displayed by default is the Chart tab.


Chart view

The chart tab displays a chart showing all configured sensors. You can filter the data displayed by:

  • Sensor name
  • Location
  • Date/Time Range
  • Breach type

To add a filter to the page, choose the required filter from the drop down, the date time filter will apply to all of the tabs in the monitoring section.

By default, data from the last 24 hours is shown. Use the From date/time and To date/time fields to look at a longer period of time.

The filters also retain their values when you switch between the tabs.


If the sensor has recorded a breach - an icon will be shown on the chart. Clicking on the icon displays information about the breach, with a button which takes you to the list of all breaches:

Chart Breach

To close the popup, click the red x in the top right corner.

Also shown on the chart are red (top) and blue (bottom) shaded areas. These show the standard temperature breach threshold values of 2°C and 8°C.

If you have used different threshold values in your configuration, you may see breaches outside of the standard range.

If you select a long time period, you may see a warning message like this: Cold chain graph with too much data warning To avoid this, you may need to select a shorter time period or filter the data to show only the sensors you are interested in. Only the first 8640 data points are shown on the graph.


The breaches tab displays a list of all recorded breaches.


The list of breaches is divided into 10 columns:

An icon showing an alert if this breach is unacknowledged
StatusThe breach status can be Acknowledged or Unacknowledged
Sensor nameName of the Sensor
LocationCurrent location assigned to the sensor
CCEName of the cold chain equipment item which the sensor is associated with
Breach startDate and time at which the breach started
Breach endDate and time at which the breach ended, if applicable
DurationThe duration of the breach, if it has ended. If the breach has not ended then Ongoing is shown
TypeThe type of the breach: this is a combination of Hot or Cold (shown by the icon and text colour) and Consecutive or Cumulative
Max / MinThe temperature recorded when the breach was updated, which is the start or end of the breach (if the breach has ended)

You can filter the data displayed by:

  • Sensor name
  • Location
  • Date/Time Range
  • Type
  • Unacknowledged

By default, the Unacknowledged filter is shown on this page. To add a filter to the page, choose the required filter from the drop down. To remove any applied filters, click the Remove all filters option.


  1. The list can display a fixed number of breaches per page. On the bottom left corner, you can see how many breaches are currently displayed on your screen.


  1. If you have more logs than the current limit, you can navigate to the other pages by tapping on the page number or using the right of left arrows (bottom right corner).


  1. You can also select a different number of rows to show per page using the option at the bottom right of the page.

Rows per page

Acknowledging breaches

From this list, you can choose to acknowledge a breach which then will stop the breach showing as a notification at the top of the page. If a breach has been unacknowledged you will see a red alert icon on the left of the row, like this:

Breach acknowledge button

Clicking the button will show a window, in this you can enter a comment to acknowledge the breach:

Breach acknowledge dialog

If a breach is ongoing, i.e. it has not ended yet, then you are unable to acknowledge it yet, and the window is disabled:

Breach acknowledge ongoing

Once a breach is acknowledged, the red alert icon is no longer shown for that breach row. Instead, a speech bubble icon is shown. Hovering over this (on the desktop / web version) or pressing it for a second (on tablets) will show the comment:

Breach comment


The log view shows a list of all temperature logs.


The list of temperature logs is divided into 6 columns:

Date timeDate and time of the most recent activity for this sensor
Sensor nameName of the Sensor
LocationCurrent location assigned to the sensor
CCEName of the cold chain equipment item which the sensor is associated with
TemperatureThe most recent temperature reported by the sensor
Breach typeIf the sensor has had a breach, this shows the type of the most recent breach. This is a combination of Hot or Cold (shown by the icon and text colour) and Consecutive or Cumulative.

You can filter the data displayed by:

  • Sensor name
  • Location
  • Date/Time Range
  • Breach type

To add a filter to the page, choose the required filter from the drop down.


  1. The list can display a fixed number of logs per page. On the bottom left corner, you can see how many logs are currently displayed on your screen.


  1. If you have more logs than the current limit, you can navigate to the other pages by tapping on the page number or using the right of left arrows (bottom right corner).


  1. You can also select a different number of rows to show per page using the option at the bottom right of the page.

Rows per page

Importing Fridge-tag data

If you are using Berlinger Fridge-tags, you can import the data directly into Open mSupply. To do this, insert the USB of the Fridge-tag into your computer. Then click the Import Fridge-tag button:

Import fridge tag

This will open a file browsing window, allowing you to select the .txt file of the Fridge-tag data. Simply click on the file and wait for the import to complete.

Currently supported devices are Fridge-tags and Q-Tags from Berlinger.

Here's how the process looks (this is the mac desktop version):

Import fridge tag

You may need to wait for the text file to be generated after connecting the Fridge-tag to your computer.

The following Berlinger devices are compatible with Open mSupply:

DeviceBreach data displayedTemperature graph plotted
Q-tag CLm docYesYes
Q-tag CLm doc DYesYes
Q-tag CLm doc IceYesYes
Q-tag CLm doc Ice RYesYes
Q-tag CLm doc LYesYes
Q-tag CLm doc LRYesYes
Fridge-tag 2YesNo*
Fridge-tag 2EYesNo*
Fridge-tag 2LYesYes
Fridge-tag ULYesYes

*Logger device does not capture individual temperature logs