Internal Orders

Internal Orders go by several other names in certain countries or systems:

  • Requisitions
  • Orders
  • Report & Requisition
  • R&R

Internal Orders are a way to support users in requesting new stock from another store.

Viewing Internal Orders🔗

If you would like to order some stock from your supplier:

  1. Navigate to the Replenishment menu
  2. Tap on Internal Orders

Internal Order: nav

You will see a list of all existing Internal Orders:

Internal Order: list

You can use the filters to filter the list by the name or status of the Internal Orders:

Internal Order: filter

You can sort the list using the column headers:

  1. Tap the column header of the column that you want to sort. The column is sorted in ascending order.
  2. Tap the column header again and column will be sorted in the opposite order.

Creating a new Internal Order🔗

Select a supplier🔗

  1. Click on the New Order button (top right corner):

Internal Order: new order

  1. A new window opens, inviting your to select a supplier:

Internal Order: select supplier

  1. Select a Supplier by pressing on their name. You will be redirected to a window like this:

Internal Order: newly created order

Defining Target MOS (Maximum MOS)🔗

Defining the Target MOS (Month of Stock) is critical to the calculation of the Suggested Quantity:

  • There is an industry rule of thumb that the Target MOS should be set to 3 times the ordering cycle
  • The default Target MOS is 3.0, which is based on a monthly ordering cycle
  • If for example, the ordering cycle was every two months, then Target MOS should be set to 3 x 2 = 6.0
In the below example, we are setting our Target MOS to 3 Months.


This can be done before or after adding items to your order.

Adding a single item🔗

Tap on Add Item to add a single item to your order. A new window opens:

Internal Order: add item

First select the item you want to add to your order. You can also type some or all of an item name (or code) to look for a specific item.

Once item is selected, you should see the following information on the window:

  • Item Code and Item Name
  • Units/Packs toggle: this allows you to switch between ordering in units or packs
  • Unit: the default unit used for this item (eg. Tablet, Vial)
  • AMC: Average Monthly Consumption. How much stock your store uses each month on average (based on a configurable number of months, default is set to 3 months)
  • SOH: Stock on Hand. How much stock the store currently has available
  • Default pack size: the default pack size of the item
  • Suggested Quantity: how much stock mSupply suggests that your order to reach your stock target quantity
  • Requested quantity: the quantity of units that you request from your supplier

You should also see the following charts:

  • Target Quantity: In this chart, you will see the following information:
    • The Target Quantity for the item. This is calculated as: Target MOS x AMC.
    • Your current Stock on Hand (in grey)
    • The Suggested Order Quantity calculated by mSupply
In the below example, our target quantity is 609 units which is the equivalent of 3 months of stock (3 x 203 = 609 units). Our stock on hand (in grey) is 269 so in order to reach my target, mSupply suggests to order 342 units (609 - 269).

Stock Distribution

In the below example, the target quantity is 408 units. Since we already have 467 units in stock (in grey), the suggested quantity is zero.

Stock Distribution 2

  • Consumption History (monthly): this chart shows the monthly consumption up to 12 months in the past (in grey), the current AMC (in dark grey), the projected consumption (in orange) and the moving average (blue line):


  • Stock Evolution: this chart shows you your stock level for the last 30 days and your projected inventory for the next 30 days. The projected stock will be updated based on your inputs in the Requested quantity field:

Stock Evolution

Requesting a quantity in packs🔗

If the item which you have selected has a default pack size configured (see the mSupply documentation on editing units for details on how to do this) then you will see a few additional elements on the 'Add item' window:

Adding items using a master list🔗

If your organisation is using Master Lists, you can add multiple items at once using your store's master lists. It is particularly useful when you have a lot of items in your order and you don't want to add them all one by one.

  1. Tap on the Add from master list button
  2. Select a master list
  3. A dialog window opens asking you whether you want to add all of the items from this master list. Tap OK if you wish to proceed.

All the items of the master list are now listed in your order. If you had previously added single item, it will add items that are not already there.

Tap on an order line to change the Requested Quantity or tap on the Use Suggested Quantities button to automatically copy the values in the Suggested Quantity column into the Requested Quantity column.

Internal Order: add from master list

Master Lists are defined and assigned to stores at the central server level. You can only see the master lists that are visible to your store.
Also be aware that if you are using programs functionality, only master lists which are not part of a program can be selected.

If you don't find the master list you are looking for and if you want to create a new one, please contact your administrator.
You can create Internal Orders from multiple master lists by repeating above actions with another master list.

Reading the Internal Order's list🔗

When you add items (using a master list or not), the item is added to the order's table. The following information is provided for each order line:

CodeCode of the item
NameName of the item
UnitUnit of the item e.g. Tablet, Capsule, Vial
DPSDefault pack size of the item
SoH (Est. remaining)Stock on Hand: how much stock is currently available in your store for this store
AMCAverage Monthly Consumption: how much stock your store uses each month on average (based on a configurable number of months, defaults to 3 months)
Target StockThis is the stock you are aiming for. Calculated as: AMC x Target MOS MOS
Suggested QuantityHow much stock mSupply suggests that your order. This is calculated as: (AMC x Target MOS) - SoH
RequestedThis is set to zero by default. This is the quantity of units you are ordering from your supplier.

Printing an Internal Order🔗

When viewing a specific Internal Order, simply click the Print button which is on the top right of the page. When printing, a PDF file is generated for you, which will then open in a new browser tab. This can then be printed using your browser by clicking print or using control+P (if using windows) or cmd+P keys on your keyboard (if using a mac).

Print button

This will either

  • Show a menu of possible reports for you to select from before creating a PDF. This will happen if there are more than one report defined for the Requisition report type.
  • Create a PDF immediately, if there is only one report to select from

Print menu

Sending an Internal Order🔗

You will need the permission Can confirm Internal Order as Sent to be able to send an Internal Order:

  1. Tap on the Confirm Sent button (bottom right corner)
  2. A dialog window opens asking you whether you are sure to want to send the order. Tap on OK to proceed
  3. Status of your order is now SENT and the order is no longer editable
Ensure that your order is correct before sending it to your supplier. Once sent, no further changes can be made to finalised orders.

Approving Internal Orders🔗

Remote approval process🔗

Some stores may require their requisitions to be approved by specific users before they can be fulfilled. For a full description of this process refer to the mSupply Remote Authorisation documentation.

To do this:

  • In the requesting store, enable the store preference Include requisitions from this store in supplier's remote authorisation process
  • In the supplying store, enable the store preference Use remote authorisation for response requisitions

For further detail on configuring store preferences, refer to the mSupply documentation on the topic.

When configured in this way, the requesting store will see an additional column in the Internal Order list, showing the approval status:

Internal Order: approval status columns

And when viewing a specific Internal Order, there are columns showing the approved quantity, approved number of packs and a comment entered by the approver, if there is one:

Internal Order detail with approval columns

Similarly, the supplying store will have an additional column in the requisition list view showing the approval status :

Internal Order detail with approval columns

And finally, a specific requisition will also have new columns, for the approved quantity and an approval comment, if one has been entered by the approver:

Internal Order detail with approval columns

Local approval process🔗

Another option for implementing an approval step for Internal Orders is to enable what is called 'local approval'. With this, you can allow only certain users to change the status of an Internal Order to Sent. To allow a user to change the status of an Internal Order to Sent, they require the permission Can confirm Internal Order as Sent to be enabled.

To set the permission, edit the user within mSupply and change to the Open mSupply permissions tab, shown below:

Internal Order detail with approval comment

Without this option checked, the user will not be able to update the Internal Order status to Sent and the order is unable to be processed.

On changing the status to Sent, the user's details are added to the comment field; this can be seen when viewing the Internal Order, in the details panel:

Internal Order detail with approval comment

and is also shown to the approver in the remote authorisation web application if that is being used.

The additional text is of the form:

Approved by [user's full name]. Email: [user's email address] and Phone Number: [user's phone number].

These details are taken from the user, as configured in mSupply. Refer to the Managing Users section on how to do this.