
The landing page

Too many Dashboards!🔗

Yes, we use the term Dashboard for more than one thing. Open mSupply has a landing page which gives an overview of some statistics, and has some useful links, which we will talk about here, and also a system dashboard that uses Grafana, and gives an overview of all sites in your country (or organisation).

What's on display?🔗

The dashboard!

You can see some statistics for shipments and stock:

  • Replenishment
    • Inbound Shipments
      • Today: Shows the number of inbound shipments created today
      • This week: The number created during the current week
      • Inbound shipments not delivered: Number of shipped invoices that have yet to be delivered
    • Internal Orders
      • New: Shows the number of new Internal Orders
  • Distribution
    • Shipments
      • Have not been shipped: The number of Outbound Shipments that have not been set to Shipped (or later) status
    • Requisitions
      • New: The number of new Requisitions
  • Inventory Management
    • Expiring Stock
      • Expired batches: The number of stock lines in the current store which have expired
      • Batches expiring in a month: The number of stock lines in the current store which will expire within the month
    • Stock levels
      • Total items: A count of the number of items in this store
      • Items with no stock: The item is visible in this store, but have no stock recorded
      • Items with less than 3 months of stock: Which is based on the average monthly consumption (AMC) for this item in the current store
      • Items with more than 6 months of stock: As above, based on AMC for the item in the current store

There are buttons towards the bottom of the page as well which allow you to create shipments and requisitions.

Clicking on the headings (e.g. Inbound Shipments, Shipments etc) will take you to the list of those items. In addition, clicking on the text beside an item (e.g. Have not been shipped) will take you to a view which gives you a list which is filtered to show all the records which match the condition listed. The exception to this is the statistics shown under Stock levels which currently do not have filters available.