
View and Manage Patients

Patients can be added and their information edited from this page.


To use patients, ensure that your store is set to Dispensary mode (see the virtual stores documentation for how to do this).

Open the Patient Menu

Click on Dispensary > Patients in the navigation panel.

dispensary menu

You will be presented with a list of patients visible to your store.

Patient List

  1. The list of patients is divided into 8 columns:
Patient IDThe ID of the patient
NUICNational unique identifier code
CreatedThe date the patient was created
First nameFirst name
Last nameLast name
Date of BirthThe patient's date of birth
DeceasedWhether the patient is deceased
  1. The list can display a fixed number of patients per page. On the bottom left corner, you can see how many patients are currently displayed on your screen.


  1. If you have more patients than the current limit, you can navigate to the other pages by tapping on the page number or using the right of left arrows (bottom right corner).


  1. You can also select a different number of rows to show per page using the option at the bottom right of the page.

Rows per page

Filter Patients

You can filter the list of patients by using the search bar at the top of the page. This can be useful if you are looking for a specific patient. By default, the search bar will contain the filters for: First name, Last name, and Patient ID.

Patient filter

For example, to filter by gender, click on the Filters, select Gender, and then select which gender you would like to filter by.

Patient filter gender

Exporting Patients

The list of Patients can be exported to a comma separated file (csv). Simply click the export button (on the right, at the top of the page)

Export button

and the file will be downloaded. The export function will download all Patients, not just the current page, if you have more than 20 of them.

Creating a New Patient

Press on the New Patient button in the top right corner.

A new window will appear for you to enter the patient's details. You must enter the patient's code, first name and last name to enable to Ok & Next button. If you do not wish to enter the patient's real name, you can use a pseudonym.

New Patient

If you have a patient or patients matching the name you have entered, you will be prompted to select the patient in the new window.

New Patient

Clicking on the matching patient will re-direct you to the patient's details page.

However, if you have no matching patients or if you wish to create a new patient with the same details as an existing patient, you can click the Ok & Next button to be re-directed to the patient's details page where you can create the patient.

Then click the Create button at the bottom right of the page to create the patient.

New Patient

Lookup a Patient

If you have followed the process above, you may see a different icon to the right of a patient's details on the patient search results screen:

Fetch patient button

Sometimes the record for the patient you are searching for has already be created at another site. This 'download' icon indicates that a patient matches your current search criteria, and you can download all their existing patient data to your site.

To use this patient record, you must first fetch the patient details. Click the patient row (which has a tooltip message as shown below):

Fetch patient row

You'll then be prompted to confirm the action:

Fetch patient confirmation

and if successful, you'll then get a further message:

Fetch patient done

Clicking the View patient button here will take you to the screen which displays the patient details. The patient is now available for prescribing to, enrolling in a program and for creating encounters. You can update the patient details and have them synchronise back to the store which originally created the patient record.

Edit a Patient

To edit a patient, click on the patient's name in the list of patients.