
Managing your customers' orders

When a customer orders stock from you, they create an Internal Order in their store. This will appear as a Requisition in your store.

Viewing Customers' Requisition🔗

To know if you have received requisitions from your customers, go to Distribution > Requisition

Requisition nav

You should see a list of all requisitions sent by your customers.

From this screen you can:

  • View a list of Requisitions
  • Export Requisitions to a .csv file

Requisition list

Requisition list🔗

The list of Requisitions is divided into 6 columns:

NameName of the Customer
NumberReference Number of the requisition
CreatedCreation Date of the requisition
StatusCurrent Status of the requisition
ShipmentsNumber of shipments created from the requisition
CommentComment for the requisition
If you have program requisitions enabled, you may have additional columns in this table!

The list can display a fixed number of requisitions per page. On the bottom left corner, you can see how many requisitions are currently displayed on your screen.


If you have more requisitions than the current limit, you can navigate to the other pages by tapping on the page number or using the right of left arrows (bottom right corner).


You can also select a different number of rows to show per page using the option at the bottom right of the page.

Rows per page

Filter Requisitions🔗

You can filter the list of requisitions by name, status or whether shipments have been created. This can be useful if you're looking for one particular requisition!

Requisition filter

Select the desired filter(s) from the list:

  • Name: Start typing in the field to filter by customer name
  • Status: Select a status from the dropdown list
  • Shipment created: Toggle on to only show requisitions where shipments have been created

All the requisitions which match the filters will appear in the list.

Exporting Requisitions🔗

The list of Requisitions can be exported to a comma separated file (csv). Simply click the export button (on the right, at the top of the page)

Export button

and the file will be downloaded. The export function will download all Requisitions, not just the current page.

Delete a Requisition🔗

You can delete a requisition from the Requisition list.

  1. Select the requisition that you want to delete by checking the box on the left end of the list. You can select more than one requisition to be deleted. You can even select them all by using the master checkbox in the header.
  2. The Actions footer will display at the bottom of the screen when a requisition is selected. It will display the number of requisitions selected and the actions which can be taken. Click Delete.
  3. A confirmation window will appear, asking you to confirm the number of requisitions to be deleted.
  4. After clicking OK, a notification will appear in the bottom left corner, confirming that the selected requisitions were deleted.
You cannot delete requisitions that have been created from an Internal Order, or have had a shipment created from them.

Delete Requesition Actions Footer

Viewing a Requisition🔗

To view the detail of a particular requisition, simply click on it in the list view. You will then see the detail view of the requisition:

Requisition Detail

Enter a Customer Reference🔗

The customer reference is automatically generated when the customer creates an Internal Order, but you can also enter a customer reference manually.

View or Edit the Requisition Information Panel🔗

The information Panel allows you to see or edit information about the Requisition. It is divided into three sections:

  • Additional Info
  • Related documents
  • Actions

We are planning to add more sections in the future as Open mSupply grows.

How to Open and Close the Information Panel?🔗

To open the Information Panel, you can tap on the More button, located in the top right corner of the Requisition page.

You can close the Information Panel by tapping on the X Close button on the top right corner of the information panel.

Open and close the Information Panel

Additional Info🔗

In the Additional Info section you can:

  • See who created the Requisition (name of the user)
  • See when the Requisition was created
  • View and edit the Requisition color. To edit the color, tap on the colored circle and select a color from the pop-up
  • Write or edit a comment

In the Related Documents section you can see other related transactions for the Requisition.

If you have created shipments for the Requisition, the shipment numbers will appear in this section along with a link to view the shipment.


Copy to clipboard: You can tap on the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the Requisition details to the clipboard.

Requisition Detail🔗

Requisition Detail

CodeCode of the item
NameName of the item
UnitThe unit of measure for the item
Our SOHHow much stock is available in this store
Their SOHHow much stock is available in the customer's store
RequestedThe quantity requested by customer
SupplyThe quantity that will be supplied by this store (quantity can differ from what is being requested)
IssuedThe quantity that has already been issued in Outbound Shipments
RemainingThe quantity remaining to be supplied to the customer. The calculation is 'Supply - Issued'. This quantity will be re-calculated after an Outbound Shipment has been created.

One way to adjust the supply quantity, is to click the button Supply requested at the top of the page. This will automatically set the supply quantity to be that of the quantity requested for each item.

Supply Requested button

Click the button and you are asked for confirmation before the adjustment happens:

Supply Requested Prompt

The other way to adjust the supply quantity is to click on the item line in the table. This will open the line details page where you will see information about the item such as your stock on hand, and the requested quantity.

Requisition Detail

Once the Quantity to supply field is entered, a green tick will appear next to the item name, to help you track your progress.


You can navigate between different items by:

  • Clicking on the item name in the list to the left of the screen
  • Using the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the screen

Requisition Navigation

Customer Store Stats🔗

Clicking on the Graph Icon next to the Requested quantity field will open a graph showing you the details of the stock at the customer's store.

The request quantity charts will only show if the Requisition was created from an Internal Order.
  • The customer's Target Quantity for this item. This is calculated as: Target MOS x AMC
  • The customer's stock on hand for this item

Requisition Customer Stats

Your Store Stats🔗

Clicking on the Graph Icon next to the Quantity to Supply field will open a graph showing you the details of the stock at your store.

This message will be displayed if your store currently doesn't have any stock available.

The first bar:

  • Your stock on hand for this item
  • Any incoming stock for this item that has been Shipped, but not yet Delivered
  • The quantity being requested for this item in any Internal Orders

The second bar:

  • The quantity being requested for this item in this Requisition
  • The quantity being requested in other Requisitions

Requisition Store Stats

To go back to the Requisition view, tap on the Close button at the top right corner of the screen or click on the Requisition Number at the top left of the screen. Close Requisition Line

Creating an Outbound Shipment from a Requisition🔗

Once you are happy with the supply quantities, you can create an Outbound Shipment which will supply the items requested by going back to the Requisition Detail page.

Click on the Create Shipment button. This will create a shipment, add all of the items which are not fully supplied, and then, open that shipment in a new tab. Before doing so, you are prompted to confirm:

Create Shipment Prompt

If the supply quantity is changed for any item/s in the requisition after a shipment has been made for it and a new shipment is created through clicking the Create Shipment button, then a new shipment will be created with the remaining supply amount (supply quantity minus any linked Outbound Shipment quantity).

Create Shipment Detail

After creating the shipment, you will see the shipment number, along with a link to view it, in the Related documents section of the additional details panel on the right of the screen.

Clicking an item line in the table will redirect you to the line details page. Here you can adjust the quantity to supply and add a comment:

Manual Requisition🔗

Usually, Requisitions will be sent to you by your Customers. However, if they aren't using mSupply, you can create a Requisition manually.

Creating a Manual Requisition🔗

  1. Go to Distribution > Requisition
  2. Press the Create Requisition button at the top right of the page

New Requisition

  1. A new window will appear where you can select the customer for whom you want to create the requisition. You can search for the customer by typing their name or code in the search bar or by scrolling through the list of customers.

Select Customer

  1. Once you have selected the customer, you will be taken to the requisition detail page where you can add items to the requisition.
You cannot change the customer name after the requisition has been created. If you have made a mistake in selecting the customer, you will need to delete the requisition and create a new one.

Adding Lines to a Requisition🔗

Tap on the Add Item button (top right corner).

You will be redirected to the edit page. You can look up an item by:

  • Reading through the list of available items
  • or by typing some or all of the item name
  • or by typing some or all of an item code

Once your item is highlighted, tap on the name or press Enter.

Once an item has been selected, you will be redirected to the item edit page. Here you can enter the customer's stock on hand, average monthly consumption and requested quantity. You can also enter how much you are going to supply to the customer and any comments. The values are saved automatically.

Requisition Line Edit

After this, the workflow will follow the same steps as for a requisition created from an Internal Order.