
The reports page gives you an overview of the reports available in Open mSupply. You can access the reports page by clicking on the Reports menu item. goto_report

You will be presented with a list of reports that you can generate. The reports listed below are the standard reports and will already be set up for you. If you need a custom report, please contact mSupply support at

report list

The reports are generated based on preferences which are set up in the mSupply central server. See report preferences for more information about what these preferences are and how to set them up.

You can view these preferences by clicking on the More button.

report preferences

Generating reports🔗

Click on the report you want to generate. For this example, we will generate the Stock Status report.

Click on the Stock Status report. stock status

You will be presented with a form where you can edit the filter criteria used by the report. Leave unchanged to display all items for the report.

For the Stock Status report, you can filter the report based on the following criteria:

  • Item Name
  • Item Code

If you enter values for both the code and name, the items shown would have to match both criteria i.e. entering a code of 01 and a name of am would only show items with a code that contains 01 and a name that contains am.

The form also display which preferences the report is based on.

stock status filter

Click Ok to generate the report. If you find that you would like to narrow down the report while viewing it, you can click on the Filter button on the top right corner of the report which will open up the filter form again.

report detail

Printing a report🔗

To print a report, click on the Print button on the top right corner of the report.

print button

A print preview window will open showing you what will be printed and allowing you to select the printer. This can then be printed using your browser by clicking print or using control+P (if using windows) or cmd+P keys on your keyboard (if using a mac).

Exporting a report🔗

To export a report to excel, click on the Export button on the top right corner of the report.

export button

The report will be downloaded as an excel file.