
View and manage your storage locations

Keeping track of where stock is in your store is an important part of good warehouse practice. You don't want to have to go hunting through your whole store for stock, wasting time and energy when mSupply can tell you exactly where it is!

Locations in mSupply are the places you store stock.

Viewing your store's locations🔗

To view the storage locations of your store, go to Inventory > Locations in the navigation panel:

Location: nav

You will see a list of your storage locations:

Location: list

Looking for a specific location🔗

You can filter the list by location name or on hold status.

Location: filter

Creating a new location🔗

To create a new location, tap on the New Location button in the top right corner of the screen:

Location: new location button

A window like this opens:

Location: create location

  1. Name: Enter the name of the new location
  2. Code: Enter a code for the new location
  3. Temperature (optional): Select the storage temperature range. These options are configured as Location Types on the mSupply Central Server.
  4. On Hold (checkbox): If you check this box, then goods in this location cannot be selected for issue to customers. Goods can be moved in to, and out, of the location but they cannot be issued from that location.
Putting a location on hold can be useful if:

- The stock needs to be kept from being issued until some inspection / approval (e.g. quarantine or under bond)

- The stock is a bulk quantity with the same expiry date as another stock line in another location from which you want stock issued. You can use this feature to force mSupply to always suggest issuing stock of this item from the 'issue' location rather than this 'bulk' location. When you have finished issuing stock from the 'issue' location, and you want to issue the stock that is in the 'bulk' location, you will need to either take the 'bulk' location off hold, move all stock or some of it (split) from the 'bulk' location into another location.

Editing a new location🔗

To edit a location, simply tap on one in the location list.

Deleting a location🔗

To delete a location:

  1. Select location that you want to delete using the checkbox on the left hand side of the list
  2. The Actions footer will display at the bottom of the screen when a location is selected. It will display the number of locations selected and the actions which can be taken. Click Delete

Delete location