
The Demographics section is where you can view and manage future projections for different Demographic Indicators. This population data can then be used to estimate the required cold storage capacity for upcoming immunization programs.

Demographics management is only available on the Open mSupply Central Server.


Currently, Demographics features are enabled as part of the Vaccine module.

To begin, enable the store preference for mobile: Uses Vaccine Module (see the store preferences documentation for how to do this).

Viewing Demographics Indicators🔗

Choose Manage > Demographics in the navigation panel.

goto: demographics

You will be presented with a list of Demographic Indicators:


The list of Demographic Indicators is divided into 8 columns:

NameThe name of the demographic
PercentagePercentage of the general population included in this demographic
PopulationThe calculated population of that demographic, based on the Percentage
5 Years columnsPopulation projections for 5 future years, based on the % Growth predictions

Yearly growth percentage🔗

For each year, you can enter the predicted population growth percentage. This can be a positive or negative number. As you edit the growth percentage, you will notice the population projections update.

edit growth

  • Click Save once you are happy with your changes
  • OR: Click Cancel at any time to revert your changes

General population🔗

All calculations are based on the current General Population. To begin, enter the current population:


Adding a new indicator🔗

To add a new demographic indicator, click the Add New Indicator button in the top right.

This will add a new row to the table. You can now enter a name for the demographic, and the percentage of the population included.

  • Click Save once you are happy with your changes
  • OR: Click Cancel at any time to revert your changes

add new indicator

Permissions & Restrictions🔗

Demographics are only visible on the Open mSupply Central Server and requires the mobile: Uses vaccine module store preference.

mSupply Store Preference Vaccine Module

To Create, Edit or Delete Demographics you need the Can modify central data permission, enabled in the omSupply Permissions Tab on your Central Store.

Can Modify Central Data Permission